Lonely afternoons

Jamie was working long hours at work again. Whenever he did we tried to keep it together by talking on the phone - a little bit of tease just to keep the heat going until we had some time together again. I had just gotten out of the shower and slipped into my robe when the phone rang. Knowing it was Jamie, I didn’t bother tying the robe, just dashed for the phone, so I was a little breathless when I answered.

Immediately he started talking dirty … telling how he wanted to suck my nipples until I cried and then go on down and suck my clit until I screamed. The room seemed very hot all of a sudden! Listening raptly, I wandered into the living room and sat in the recliner. I was getting pretty turned on, and without realizing it I had let my robe fall open at the top and was lightly running the fingers of my free hand over my nipples. When I became aware of what I was doing, the thought occurred to me that I could get him all hard and hot an bothered by telling him about it. For some reason the idea of getting him hard a frustrated at work really gave me a thrill.

Consciously then, I began plucking at my nipples with both hands, having propped the phone on my shoulder. My breath got a little raspy and I told him what I was doing. He groaned and encouraged me to do and tell more. I let one of my hands trail down my belly to my neatly trimmed hair, running my fingers through it, the whole time describing what I was doing and how it made me feel. I told him how I had just gotten out of the shower where I had shaved everything from the clit back as smooth as a baby’s butt. I ran my fingers over my outer lips, describing how soft and moist they were. He asked if I was wet … I slid my finger between my lips and told him how slippery it was, how my finger just slipped right in. He groaned again and said to stop. I told him no, I was going to make myself come while he listened. He mumbled something that sounded a lot like “oh god” and his breathing got faster.

I was taking long strokes with my two finger from top to bottom and back, my eyes closed as I made a low growl in the back of my throat. Trying to regain some control, I opened my eyes and out of the corner realized that there was someone standing in the floor-to-ceiling glass of the neighbors house looking into our facing windows, obviously getting quite a show. A bit alarmed but not wanting to show it, I pretended not to notice while I took a better look from under my lashes. I didn’t mention it to Jamie, I just kept telling him how I was circling my clit with my finger now. I realized that the person watching was our new neighbor Sandy.

Sandy was a little older than me, maybe in her early thirties, a divorcee and she lived alone, although I thought she had a regular boyfriend. At first I was very mortified to find her watching me, but that quickly became a bigger turn on as I realized she was subtly rubbing her own breasts through her shirt. I felt a new gush of fluid between my thighs, coating my already we fingers. Still I said nothing to Jamie and pretended I had not noticed Sandy, pretending my eyes were still closed while I watched her through the slits. I saw her own hand slide down into her slacks. Unable to help myself, I began to pick up the pace, telling Jamie that I was going to make myself come. His only response was a low rumble and rapid breathing in my ear. Still talking my way through it all I slid my two fingers deep inside and back out, in and out again. A low moan escaped me and I began working my clit in earnest. I lost my train of thought and words and within moments I cried out as I rode the waves rocking my body.

Jamie cussed and told me I was very bad and now he was going to have to go take care of himself before he could do anymore work. I laughed a low, seductive laugh and told him go ahead. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the curtains on the window next door slowly close. Jamie and I talked for a few more minutes and then hung up.

I sat there for a while thinking about what had just happened. Our new neighbor had caught me in the act of masturbating and obviously had enjoyed the show. I was a bit embarrassed, but at the same time, even though I had just had quite the satisfying orgasm, I felt a throbbing heat again deep inside.


About a week later I again found myself sitting in the recliner in the living room. Jamie was working another double shift and wouldn’t be home until morning. This time I had just come in from doing some yard work. It was hot out that day and I had been working in the back yard, so I was in a bikini. I plopped down into the chair and grabbed the book sitting on the end table. I really enjoy reading erotic stories, and this one was a collection that I was particularly enjoying about chance encounters with strangers. I was running my hand absently up and down the inside of one thigh - not really a sexual touch, exactly, I was just very wrapped up in the novel and not exactly aware of what I was doing - when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtains next door twitch.

Again, I pretended to ignore that I was being watched and continued reading my book, but I was aware, and I felt the heat begin to spread. My touches became a bit more deliberate, ranging slowly from my knee up to the juncture of my thigh and back. Then, I began to trace my pussy with my finger, through the material of my bikini. I was aware of the curtains opening enough that I could see Sandy’s form, this time also sitting in a chair very near the window that had obviously only been moved to that spot recently. I pressed my hand hard against my now-throbbing heat and then drug my hand up and traced one erect nipple. Still pretending ignorance, and now only pretending to read the book, I watched her from under my lashes. With a bit of a shock I realized that she was only in a bra and panties, and this time not being any more subtle than me about touching herself.

I saw her hands reach up and pull her bra down, exposing what, from my perspective, appeared to be some rather generous and shapely breasts. I had noticed before that Sandy was not a real thin woman, although she was far from large. She had generous curves and there was definitely plenty to hold onto. If I had to guess, I would have said she was around 5’ 5” and she had a very womanly form. As I slyly watched her fondle her own breasts, circling then plucking, rubbing then back to circling, I again pressed my hand hard against myself, then let my fingers slip under the material of the briefs, feeling the steamy moisture already slick on my lips.

I set my book aside and put my had back, with all appearance that my eyes were closed and that I was oblivious to the world. My second hand, now free, I used to pull my top up off of my breasts and began massaging them. I licked my lips as I saw her pull her panties to the side and slide her fingers deep into her obviously we slit. Becoming bolder now, I put my hand fully down the front of my briefs and did the same and then, using the abundant moisture of myself as a lubricant, began rubbing my clit slowly and surely. I saw Sandy doing the same, and looking very worked up. I was getting very close to coming myself when I got the urge to let her know that I knew … I lifted my head up and opened my eyes and looked directly into hers across the small distance of yard that separated the two homes. Her eyes got wide for just a moment and then she was throwing her head back and bucking her hips up and I knew she had just came.

I was only a second behind her. I drew out the pleasure of the moment, lightly teasing my engorged and lightening sensitive clit for a few minutes, my eyes firmly plastered shut now. Just as my eyes drifted open, I saw her stand, smile secretively at me, and then pull the curtains closed.

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